Call upon ID® TRADEMARK to complete your own expertise or your personnel's knowledge on trade-marks through specific training, coaching services or expert advice on a specific topic.


Personalised training according to the personnel / company needs.

Contact us to know more about our training services and topics.



Trade-mark practice is complex.  A skilful coach will teach and guide your personnel  on the essentials to maintain the trade-mark protection and manage your company’s trade-mark portfolio more efficiently.

 Our services include :

  • coaching employees in charge of managing the company’s trade-mark portfolio
  • expert strategic advice on trade-mark protection and management in foreign countries
  • legal recommendations as to in the use of the trade-mark by franchisees, licensees, distributors, etc.
  • information sessions to licensees and franchisees on trade-mark use requirements

Contact us for more information on our coaching services.


Expert advice

Lawyers, legal and in-house counsels must sometime call upon an expert trade-mark agent to avoid traps or to get special advice in trade-mark litigation cases.  ID® TRADEMARK assists them in the elaboration of a suit/defense strategy of the trade-mark in civil litigation.

Contact us for an appointment.


Translation of official documents

The Trade-marks Act is a Federal legislation which requires mastering of both official languages.  ID® TRADEMARK is familiar with both English and French and masters the legal terms usually used in the trade-marks field.  Ask us to assist in the French or English translation of trade-mark documents and proceedings.

Contact us to enquire about our fees.

Need legal advice? Book a consultation or contact us at 514 454-5300 or toll-free at 1 844 454-5300.